Wednesday 9th October 2024  

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What's on in Quorn Village

Anstey Royale Chalfont Morris dance (and musician!) workshop

Tuesday 8th October 2024
The Church Rooms, Quorn - 7.30pm

Ladies, are you looking for something a little bit different? Something that is great fun and has history behind it? Try Morris dancing!

Chaps and non-dancing ladies - don't feel left out! Whatever you play, from penny whistle to double bass, you would be welcome.

Friendly, informal and fun.

If you can't make the workshop, join us at our rehearsals - every Tuesday at 7.30pm in the Church Rooms in Quorn.

Further information:
Tel: 0116 431 7731

Untitled Document
 Quorn History
 photograph of Quorn Souvenir China - read more
 photograph of Quorn Souvenir China - read more
 graphic - What's On in Quorn Village What's On in Quorn Village
Review the village calendar, and add your event.
 graphic - Quorn Business Sponsors Quorn Business Sponsors
Village businesses that help to support this website
 child on a swing in Stafford Orchard Stafford Orchard
Information about Quorn's park in the village centre.
 old Quorn coin - quorn village museum  (external website) Quorn Village Museum
External website featuring Quorn photographs and documents.